Professional Speaker


Executive Coach
About us
Dr. Gilles LaMarche is a chiropractor, educator, passionate healer, accomplished author with the book “The ART of BEING HEALTHY“, professional speaker, and inspiring certified personal development/executive coach. Dr. LaMarche found his calling as a healer when at the age of twelve he was taken to a chiropractor after years spent as an “unwell” child. His only expectation was that a chiropractor might help him resume regular activities without pain; little did he know that one meeting would change the course of his life. His high-volume principled practice was home to more than 750,000 office visits over 25 years. He currently serves as Vice President of University Advancement and Enrollment at Life University, in Marietta, GA.
Our Services
Whether you are looking for a dynamic, real, genuine and authentic speaker who can open the hearts of 100’s or 1,000’s of audience attendees, or you are looking for a facilitator to engage your small team, Dr Gilles laMarche is your man. The author of “The ART of BEING HEALTHY“, is also a skilled executive development coach that can lead you to the center of an issue or the core of your being to tap into the best version of you. He is a master people connector with the ability to engage an audience of 1 or many. The professional speaker services range from keynote presentations, to full day trainings, from one on one coaching to personal development session facilitation and training.
Professional Speaking
Executive Coaching
“This was one of the best experiences I've had...EVER! Getting to put thoughts and feelings into an immortalized publication was truly an amazing feeling. Being part of something that inspires people to be healthier is perfectly aligned with what we stand for. Share your story and help change some lives!!!! Gilles Lamarche DC makes the process simple...and fun!!! Thanks again G! It was a blast!”
Dr. Robert Kipp, DCOne of the contributors to a previous edition, Dr. Robert Kipp, DC said:
“I’m so happy to have contributed to The ART of Being Healthy. The entire experience was excellent. Most importantly, when you tell your patients that you co-authored a book, they look pleased, excited and surprised. 'Wow! Congratulations,' is a common comment. Being a published author automatically increases your credibility, and a person’s trust in you. When you hand them a copy as a thank you gift they look a little shocked and very grateful. It gets them talking about you with family and friends and increases referrals. The script that Dr. Gilles LaMarche gives you to leverage your book creates new patients and you become a minor celebrity in your market. I highly recommend that all Executive Coaches participate in future volumes of The ART of Being Healthy.”
Dr. Todd WatsonDr. Todd Watson Niagara Falls, ON.http://www.forwardheadposture.ca/
“I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. LaMarche over the past 3 years, and in those 3 years he has provided 20 years of 'growth' to me, both professionally and more importantly personally.
First from a professional point of coaching/consulting…his awareness to YOU and what YOU need based upon his ability to study who you are and where you want to go his incredible. And he does it in such a clear manner that it is not confusing, he creates a VERY detailed analysis of YOU and YOUR practice that you can put into place in that moment. Dr. LaMarche studies your business down to the microcosm of making it run and studying the "flow" of you and your practice with total focus on the benefits to your community.
Personally, what and how he steps into your world and walks it with you, he brings awareness to things that I knew were there, but was not clear on how they impacted my life. The balance that he created for me and with the work that I was excited to do on ME knowing how AUTHENTIC he is and how AUTHENTIC it was going to make me made the work rewarding.”
Lyle E. Koca, DC aka…Kiroman!!!
“So I have read some of the Art of Responsibility since our last chat. After doing the exercises at the end of the first chapter I was a bit shocked to find that I have been taking very little responsibility for my life. No wonder!!!
So my actionable steps have already begun. Tonight my wife and I, with our assistant, redefined and reconnected with our office mission. I have made the commitment to get my physical body in line with what God wants for me. Scripture says that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I haven't been giving God a very clean home to live in. So I will take the necessary actions to renovate the Temple.
I have a lot to work on and I'm ready to do it. St. John said when writing to the church, 'my will for you is that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul is prospering.' I want to live this scripture.
I love you my friend. Talk to you soon.
“Thank you again for your inspiring presentation today. You really connected with the room when you shared your personal journey with humility, not speaking down to an uneducated audience, but instead operating on the same level as your listeners through authenticity.”
Robin Koehler
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